viernes, 23 de junio de 2017


I travelled to Dublin to celebrate my birthday number 28th.
Being there again felt like if I had never left, but at the same time I was a complety different person in the same place after a year.

In all this year I've been throught loads of things,
I've met new people, I've been in many places,
I've have loads of adventures but lived in Dublin will always be one of the best things that has happened to me.

These are some of the things that I have learned since I left Dublin.

I've learned that it's ok to change the direction of life.

That it's ok to start new beginnings and try harder everyday to not look back to the pass.
That it's ok to not have everything figured out.
Life changes and we have to accept it.

I've learned to ask myself what I've learned from people who are not longer in my life and move on.
That it's ok to be alone but not lonely.
I've learned to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.

I've learned to thank the past for all the lessons and be ready for the future.
I've learned to accept where I am in life and make the most of every day.

That is totally fine to forgive, to walk away, to let things go, to try again and persevere.
But over all I've learned to appreciate the value of every moment before it becomes a memory.

Miss u Dublin...

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